Snow & Cold Temperatures in Warsaw, IN Can Be Harmful & Helpful in your Landscaping

Summer is just around the corner in Warsaw & Syracuse!

It’s cold in Warsaw, IN and even though we haven’t had much snow, the cold temperatures can be both helpful and harmful for your landscaping.  Some of the effects are subtle and not noticeable but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t ready to present themselves.  There are even different insects in winter!!

The most fascinating is called the snow flea.  They are not like normal fleas.  They jump about looking for organic matter to eat and are harmless.  They are most noticeable when there’s about an inch or less of snow left with some turf or soil peaking through.

Cold also effects plant growth and hardiness.  Fruit trees like apple trees need a certain number of hours of cold to set buds that result in flowers and then produce apples.  As the frost line drops it effects plants in different ways.  If you live close to a lake or body of water like Lake Wawasee, Tippecanoe Lake, Chapman Lake, Winona Lake or the Barbee Chain (all located in Warsaw, Winona Lake, and Syracuse) the ground temperatures could either be lower or higher depending on the time of year.

Snow is a great insulator and stabilizes soil temperatures.  Too much snow can harm some plants and no snow at all is also not good for perennials and trees.  Here in northern Indiana it seems we either have a ton or none!